The macro is dynamic to generate multiple Excel files containing the frequency results for each unique BY-group. (e.g., Type).
PROC SQL SELECT code is embedded inside a macro in this SAS example.
The SELECT query processes the column (passed in the macro parameter) and then create a macro variable with the number of unique (distinct) value in the column, and a macro variable with the list of unique values separated with “-“
The macro uses the <a href="">PROC FREQ</a>
procedure, an iterative macro %DO statement, a %SCAN function, and WHERE= data set option to dynamically send the results to an Excel spreadsheet for each BY-group.
options symbolgen symbolgen mprint;
* Get the count of unique values in the column;
proc sql noprint;
/* number of unique values */
select count(distinct &col) into :mprodtype_cnt
from &ds order by &col;
select distinct &col into :mprodtype_lst separated by
"-" /* list of product types */
from &ds order by &col;
%do j=1 %to &mprodtype_cnt;
ods Excel file="&outpath/%SCAN(&mprodtype_lst,&j,-).xlsx"
style=styles.barrettsblue options(embedded_titles="yes");
title "&col. - %SCAN(&mprodtype_lst,&j,-)";
* Frequency of the column;
proc freq data=&ds(where=(&col="%SCAN(&mprodtype_lst,&j,-)"));
tables &col.;
ods Excel close;
%put &mprodtype_lst;
/******* END OF FILE *******/
%multExcelfiles(ds=SASHELP.CARS, col=TYPE,