Mastering SAS Libraries: Test Your Knowledge

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Mastering SAS Libraries: Test Your Knowledge

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Mastering SAS Libraries: Test Your Knowledge
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Created by Mastering SAS Libraries: Test Your KnowledgeSubhro


Mastering SAS Libraries: Test Your Knowledge

Are you familiar with SAS Libraries and how to manage them? This quiz tests your understanding of key concepts related to SAS Libraries, such as the LIBNAME statement, PROC DATASETS, and more. Each question is designed to challenge your knowledge and provide insight into various aspects of SAS Libraries. You'll get 1 point per correct answer, with a maximum score of 100%. There are 13 questions and no time limit. Good luck!

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Multiple methods can be used to view the physical path of an SAS Library.

1 / 13

How can you find the physical path of a SAS library?

Mastering SAS Libraries: Test Your Knowledge

2 / 13

Which statement is used to unassign a library in SAS?

Mastering SAS Libraries: Test Your Knowledge

3 / 13

What is the maximum length of a SAS library name?

Mastering SAS Libraries: Test Your Knowledge

Choose the correct statement.

4 / 13

Which SAS procedure is used to list all the variables in a SAS dataset?

Mastering SAS Libraries: Test Your Knowledge

5 / 13

You have a libref a assigned as libname a '/myfolder/new';. How can you create another libref b for the same path without specifying the path again?

Mastering SAS Libraries: Test Your Knowledge

6 / 13

Which SAS procedure can be used to delete a dataset from a library?

Mastering SAS Libraries: Test Your Knowledge

Think about the common types of SAS libraries.

7 / 13

How many types of SAS libraries are commonly used?

Mastering SAS Libraries: Test Your Knowledge

Use the appropriate SAS library statement.

8 / 13

Write the SAS code to create a temporary SAS library named 'mylib'.

Mastering SAS Libraries: Test Your Knowledge

Choose all that apply.

9 / 13

Which of the following are types of SAS libraries?

Mastering SAS Libraries: Test Your Knowledge

10 / 13

Is the WORK library cleared at the end of each SAS session?

Mastering SAS Libraries: Test Your Knowledge

11 / 13

What is the output of the below code?

data '/home/myfolder/ds';
set sashelp.class;
Mastering SAS Libraries: Test Your Knowledge

Is this statement true or false?

12 / 13

A SAS library is a collection of SAS datasets.

Mastering SAS Libraries: Test Your Knowledge

13 / 13

What does the LIST statement do in libname sashelp list;?

Mastering SAS Libraries: Test Your Knowledge

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